April 7, 2015

The Snow Days of February

In honor of this beautiful spring which is now upon us, I will conclude all wintery posts with this. 
It is easy to concisely include all snow days from this winter in one post...we only had a few, and we only went sledding once! 

Photo by Elodie....isn't it lovely? 

These horses are down a lane next to our home

L-L's snow horse sculpture

She even made a rump, which is hardly discernible but if you look closely, it's there.

While taking a solitary nature walk on his off-day, Sam caught our neighbourhood's notorious red fox in action....

As for the sledding day...it was bitter cold but it was lovely just the same. As is traditional, we headed over to the best hill in the area.

Our hill

What you do at the top of the hill

I love my Laura-Lise!

Loves me JERB!

Because I took this neat picture and I'm sure it's Nikola's favourite picture of herself....I'm posting it. ;) It is pretty interesting. Kind of ''lost in the barrens-ish''

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