February 2015...another dance with friends!
This one was particularly enjoyable. (if anyone has an alternative for the word ''enjoyable'' I would appreciate any suggestions. I need a new stand-by word meaning...enjoyable. :) )
It's always so delightful to spend time with friends at a dance...and one marvelous aspect of this event was we got to meet a new little person (see end of post)!
(Irish Washerwoman....a favorite!)
Jessie and I were ''twins'' that night :)
I love siblings. :) Actually, you can see Valerie, Jessie, me, and Sam in this pic.
And a little video from Elodie or Laura-Lise:
Sam looks like he's driving a car or something when he turns corners in dances ;P
Meredith- so pretty!
We were glad our friends the Beckmanns came!
A fun ''Scottish'' picture. Look at little Emma. Don't look at me. Please. Thank you.
A little video by Elodie or Laura-Lise of the Scottish:
and a better video of the Scottish from +Stately Steps :)
After dancing, the volleyball-ers line up....
And the less active peoples watch enthusiastically:
It was an especially exciting game!
Very fun to watch!
Sam the man
Laura-Lise is an (overly) enthusiastic photographer! Here she inspects Lindsey's work on my hair before taking a few dozen snapshots of it (most of which she deleted).
(by Elodie or Laura-Lise)
Modern-ish art-ish
Oh! At this dance, a major highlight was meeting one of our favorite couple's newborn!
Content with her Grandma
Everyone was delighted to meet her!
...And 2 days later, we got to meet another new person! :)
Which made it such a Special week!
More pictures later