May 17, 2011

Duquesne University Tamburitzans video

I found another Tamburitzan video online to show you! It's pretty neat.
Make sure you zip down to bottom of blog and pause music before listening to this movie!
You should try to attend a show yourself!
Homepage for Tamburitzans
Schedule of performances in May.- catch a show near you! This season's program was one of our VERY favourites. BUT it's coming to a close, so try to see it before they finish at the end of May. Of course, next season (Aug.) they will present an equally thrilling don't fret if you miss out this season!
If you want to read my posts on the Tamburitzans, click on the subject ''Duquesne University Tamburtizans'' which you will see below this post, and you can see all related posts!