February 16, 2015

December dance with friends

Having just attended another fun dance with friends, 
I was reminded to publish this post from the December dance!
December 12th was another dance with friends...this one's purpose was particularly to practice for the upcoming New Years' ball.
Whether we needed practice or not, we made sure to attend this dance and had a great time!
This was an especially good dance; lots of friends and a great selection of dances!

Some action here :) 


Another sweetie

:) Some pictures have interesting action going on!

Two videos from Andrew at Stately Steps give a glimpse into 
the night of dancing

The Scottish! And I got to dance this time! :) So fun!

            After dancing, speed volleyball is indulged in by those awake enough to be of any use to a team. There were so many volleyball players this time!

That's my Sam!

We ladies watched and discussed babies. :) 

'' indeed, my dears...''
I have a sinking feeling that this is how I generally look while conversing...
this time we were sharing birth stories 
(because you know, we are so qualified in that area ;) )

Katia and co.
I found the following pictures on my camera and thought them quite amusing. What a great little character this fellow is!

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